YouBet is a unique version of the classic card game Oh, Hell (aka Oh Pshaw, Up the River, Up and down the River, Vanishing Whist, Hell Yeah!, Peanuts, Stinky Fingers, Get Fred, Gary's Game, Diminishing Bridge, Shit On Your Neighbor, O'Shay, Juego de Daniel, Nah Pearse, German Brid etc.)
Its ambition is to let you play with friends, in any circumstance, when you do not have a deck of cards available. The application runs in local area network (Wifi or Bluetooth).
Main Features:
- Standard settings to customize your games (scoring, sequence and number of cards, bid style ...)
- Real-time scores display
- Neat interface, design and animations
YouBet does not offer any "against the computer" mode, or to play against distant players on the internet.
If you have any enhancement suggestion,
if you've noticed a bug
or for any other reason,
you can send me an email at the following address: